How to Create Magical Items

The Players Handbook and Epic Level Handbook list feats that allow players the ability to create any magical item that are not artifacts.
To create magical items (armor, weapons, wands, rod, staves, rings, potions, wonderous items *catch all group*) a player needs the specific feat plus:
- raw materials equal to 1/2 market price of the finished item
- expend 1/25th XP to enchant the item
- 1 day per 1,000gp market value

Required feats:
Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in the price of it's magical features.
Must expend 1/25th of it's total price in XP.
Must use up raw materials costing half of this total price.

Mending can be done. It costs 1/2 the XP, time, and raw materials.

Craft Rod
Same as Magic Arms and Armor except no mending.

Craft Staff
Same as Magic Arms and Armor except no mending.
Newly created staff has 50 charges.

Craft Wand
Takes 1 day for each 1,000gp in its base price.
Base price = (caster level X spell level X 750gp)
Must expend 1/25th of it's total price in XP.
Must use raw materials costings half of the base price.
Newly created wand has 50 charges.

Craft Wonderous Item
Same as Magic Arms and Armor.

Assume a masterworked Great Sword would cost 500gp.
+5 Great Sword has Market Value = 50,500gp. [+5]50,000gp + [M.W. G.S]500gp
Raw materials = 25,250gp, takes 51 days to create and costs the creator 2020 XP.

+5 Dwarvin Vorpal Waraxe has Market Value = 200,500gp.
Raw materials = 100,250gp, takes 101 days to create and costs the creator 8020 XP.

+10 Epic Great Sword has Market Value = 2,000,500gp. (Epic because enchantment is > +5)
Raw materials = 1,000,250gp, takes 2001 days to complete and costs the creator 80,020 XP.
*Please Note* It would take an 81st level mage or sorcerer to create this item, a deity, or a group of mages or sorcerers with enough XP to create this item.

To use the charts, take the base enchantment and add modifiers to get the actual Market Value.
For example:
A +5 (enchantment) dwarvin waraxe Vorpal weapon (+5 modifier) would have a market value of +10 dwarvin waraxe, or 200,500gp.

+1 = 2,000gp
+2 = 8,000gp
+3 = 18,000gp
+4 = 32,000gp
+5 = 50,000gp
+6 = 72,000gp*
+7 = 98,000gp*
+8 = 128,000gp*
+9 = 162,000gp*
+10 = 200,000gp*

Armor and shields:
+1 = 1,000gp
+2 = 4,000gp
+3 = 9,000gp
+4 = 16,000gp
+5 = 25,000gp
+6 = 36,000gp*
+7 = 49,000gp*
+8 = 64,000gp*
+9 = 81,000gp*
+10 = 100,000gp*

Note about costs:
Items marked with an asterisk indicate non-Epic items with market value > +5.
Please note! Items with enchantments > +5 are Epic Level and DO NOT use these charts. I'll put those here sometime.
