McKlustom's Spells

1st Level


Range: 2"/level

Duration: 1 round/level

Area of Effect:    5’ radius

Components:    V, S

Casting Time:    1

Saving Throw:    None 

Description:    Caster talks to himself at a low tone and the information he speaks will be transferred to the designated area.


Range: 1 mile/level

Duration: 1 round/level

Area of Effect: Caster

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1

Saving Throw: None

Description: See clearly a 1’ object up to a maximum range. Can be used with any normal, infravision, or magical, gem of true seeing, or any other optical enhancement.

3rd Level

 Sleep II

Range: 3" +1"/level

Duration: 5 rounds/level

Area of Effect: 3" diameter sphere

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1

Saving Throw: None

Description: Same as 1st level sleep spell except for the following changes:

Creatures HD #Affected

Up to 1 8-32

1+1 to 2 4-16

2+1 to 3 2-8

3+1 to 4 1-4

4+1 to 4+4 1-2


4th Level

 Cobb Webb

Range: ½"/level

Duration: 1 turn/level

Area of Effect: 1"x1"/3" level Diameter Cobb Webb

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 3

Saving Throw: Negates

Description: Same as the Wizard’s spell Web, except the caster must point his/her finger in the direction that the Cobb Webb is to shoot forth and cover that area.

 Force Bolt

Range:        3"+1"/level

Duration:    Instantaneous

Area of Effect:    1 creature

Components:    V, S

Casting Time:    4

Saving Throw:    ½ damage

Description: Force of energy that will knock down doors, 1 per 3/levels of caster, and punch holes 5’ diameter, 10’ solid stone/10 levels of caster. 1d6 damage per level with 10d6 maximum damage.

6th Level

Fire Storm

Range:             ½" Radius/5 levels

Duration:        1 round/level

Area of Effect:    Caster

Components:    V, S, M

Casting Time:    6

Saving Throw:    Special

Description: Creates 1 small meteor/level around caster. Any who attempt entry must save (# of meteors – dexterity of victim, lowest is 5) or take 1d10+2hp/level of caster Saving throw means no damage is taken. Components are: powdered red dragon claw.


Range: Touch

Duration: 1 day/level

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 turn

Saving Throw: None

Description: Creates magical wings that enable flight. The wings are jet black, heat and water proof. Can fold into user’s back at will. Flight does not tire the caster, maximum payload is 100 Kg per level.  Note: The recipient of this spell must still be able to normally carry such weight.  Components is a small pair of wings made from silver, 25 gp minimum value.

Maneuver class speed level of caster

C 10" 12-20

B 20" 21-30

A 30" 31+

Note: Can cast spells under 6th level when flying.

7th Level

McKlustom’s Gaze

Range:     Caster

Duration:    1 round/level

Area of Effect:    ½" /level

Components:    V, S, M

Casting Time:    5

Saving Throw:    Negates

Description: Anyone or anything that views the caster must save vs. petrifaction or be turned to stone. Effects those on Etheral Plane as well. Caster cannot have any type of protection spells in effect during McKlustom's Gaze.   If this spell is cast while another protection spell is in effect, i.e. Prismatic Sphere, it will be dispelled.  While this spell is in effect magical protection devices, i.e. Rings +1, will not work. Caster may cast any non-protection spells w/o dispelling McKlustom’s Gaze. Everyone within area of effect must save every round unless protected.



