This section is for all players who participate in Kabrala.
More content will be added later.
I wasted money on e-Tools by Code
Monkey Publishing. One day I'll get around to creating some web-based tools for my group and others as everything I've found online doesn't meet my needs.
of the Coast PHB 3.5 character sheet.
Ultimate 3.5 character sheet
Nice character sheet
I love the Sun Rain Studios website.
A nice spellbook, charactersheet, and campaign note format. I strongly recommend
you check out these sheets! I saved a D&D
3.5e Character Record Sheet copy on my web server just
in case the site ever goes away.
Older version of D&D
3.5e Character Record Sheet · STANDARD EDITION.
Unknown description
Mad Irishman's D&D Character Form 1.0
3.5E D&D Character Sheet - Dash
If you know of any other handy character sheets please drop me an e-mail.
Please include any reference.
All spells
Bard spells
Cleric spells
Druid spells
Paladin spells
Ranger spells
Wizard spells
Prepared spell sheet (rarely